As the decision maker for security at your school, it is your responsibility to ensure the protection and safety of your students, faculty and staff on a daily and event-specific basis. Today, minimum security measures such as untrained guards or teachers acting as bus, lunchroom and hall monitors is simply not enough to make certain everyone is safe. The latest research from The National Center for Educational Statistics shows that 75% of public schools recorded one or more violent incidents of crime, 17% recorded one or more serious violent incidents, and 47% recorded one or more thefts.

Violence in schools includes everything from bullying, threatening, beating, theft, larceny, vandalism and the much publicized (Columbine High School tragedy, Bath School Disaster, Virginia Tech and University of Texas) shootings. Your school deserves a safe and secure environment to teach and learn in. Any instance of crime or violence at your institution affects students, parents, faculty, staff and the surrounding community.

EAG provides trained and certified security agents to guard the interior and exterior of your facility using uniformed patrols and up-to-the-minute digital camera surveillance. Our agents have years of experience working with students, faculty and staff and provide a strong deterrent to stop criminal activity or violence before it starts or grows out of control. We have the experience to handle all your school’s security, surveillance and special events including athletics, fundraisers, back-to-school night, dances, board meetings, plays and concerts.

Our security professionals can also work in tandem with your existing resource officer, disciplinarian or security team. We offer expert pre-event security strategic planning to give you the best in safety and protection protocols before, during, and after your school’s event. Supplementary or emergency “quick response” teams are also available for your school on an as needed basis within hours of your call to ensure a safe environment. EAG offers other training needs you may have.

Video & CCTV Surveillance and Active Shooter Detection Technology.