Brian. B. HubbardBrian is recognized as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) in Emergency Planning and Operational Response for acts of terrorism and incidents involving natural disasters and school critical incidents and active shooters. He has worked closely with multiple agencies in planning and training for and responding to acts of terrorism involving WMD materials and devices as well as natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes and pandemic outbreaks.He has been responsible for writing emergency response plans, coordinating emergency response and participating on special tactical teams to address CBRNE threats to critical infrastructure, key assets and high profile special events such as the Presidential Inaugurations, Winter Olympics, and State of the Unions.Hubbard’s homeland security background is extensive. As Operations Chief for the District Homeland Security Emergency Management Agency, He was the on site Incident Commander for the Brentwood Post office Anthrax spill and clean up. Mr. Hubbard is currently a Certified instructor with the Abu Dhabi Police Department teaching Emergency Management Incident Command and disaster recovery to Senior Management. Officials.Additionally, he has served as the Chairman of the Council of Government (COG) Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Committee. He also Co-Chaired the Mayor’s Special Events Task Group, composed of representatives from the District, federal and private agencies responsible for approving applications and issuing permits to conduct special events, marches, rallies and demonstrations.From 1999 to 2002, Mr. Hubbard served as the Commanding Officer on the Metropolitan police Department for Mayor Anthony Williams Security detail. Recently Mr. Hubbard was one of the supervisor’s for Mayor Vincent Gray security teams as well as a member of Mayor’s Vincent Gray transition team for public safety.A seasoned public safety professional, Mr. Hubbard previously served twelve years in the DC Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), rising to the rank of Lieutenant before moving into civilian service to the community.  He was a Task Force Officer working violent crimes/corrupt government officials for both the DEA and FBI in the early nineties.Mr. Hubbard has taken numerous classes at the Department of State for Force Protection, Federal Emergency Management, as well the United States Secret Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Mr. Hubbard attended Prince George’s Community College before joining the MPD.